16 responses to “WIND AND MORE WIND”

  1. Dominika says:

    really great pictures!
    you're so beautiful!
    and your hair is just amazing!


  2. Vonny says:

    artsy pictures!

  3. Fashiable says:

    These photos are gorgeous!!

  4. Camilla says:

    these are amazing! 😮

    xo Camilla

    Into The Fold

    check out the giveaway on my blog!

  5. these are fantastic!! u and your sister both look absolutely gorgeous!

    xx, Sabinna and David
    Broken Cookies

  6. Zsú says:

    love these photos, they look like stills from and awesome movie.


  7. Rachel says:

    all these photos are absolutely beautiful


  8. What a great post, these pohotos are amazing! You are a great photographer!

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  9. Petite L. says:

    love these pictures!

  10. eggtartbox says:

    I love the black and white photograph of you and your sister, but most of all I really enjoy the atmospheric feel in these photographs– it seems really calming and makes me wish I lived closer to a body of water. Thanks for sharing! xx

  11. Anna says:

    Helloo, most amazing shots! Very brave to go on a boat "trip" with wind and rain 😀 Where can i find the place in pic 4? That can't be Vienna?!

    Keep on your great work!

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