
Vintage oversized blazer, House of Harlow shirt, H&M jeans, Zara wedges, CC Skype bracelets, Kruijsifix bag

You can’t see in the pictures, but the bag’s zip is actually at the bottom of the bag. I mean, it could be awkward if you forget to zip it, starting toting it around, only to realize later that your whole life has dropped away. But at least it looks cute like a dumpling.

21 responses to “Comeback”

  1. whitney says:

    Lovely outfit. Love your shoes and your hair is amazing.
    Oh wow, love how the bag's zip is on the bottom, but it'd definitely be so unfortunate if you forgot to zip it!

  2. Carissa says:

    definitely drooling over your wedges <3

    CA • REY

  3. ediot says:

    loving the wedges still, they are great
    nice outfit and great shots
    happy weekend

  4. graphitree says:

    sehr schönes shirt! xx

  5. this is a lovely outfit!

  6. Cinja says:

    schönes outfit :)

  7. Brigita says:

    In love with wedges, again! 😀
    That is an interesting bag, it would be the end of the world if you forgot to zip it .
    xx Brigita

  8. BETABOOMblog says:

    Suuuuper nice blog u are divine and ur styling amazing!!

    Te sigo! sos linda


  9. leyla. says:

    beautiful style and beautiful photography throughout!

    i'll be following.
    warm greetings from florida! leyla.

  10. Wow that would be awkward (and terrifying!) if you forgot to zip the bag, but you are right, it is as cute as a button. Plus, I love the shoes!

  11. I love those wedges!! Super cute! x

  12. You look so amazing!


  13. Sewon says:

    Sweet shoes, Vicky! I love the studs on them. Also, dumpling bag? :] :]

  14. eggtartbox says:

    Mmm, they may be notorious, but I don't think I will get tired of these wedges…there's just something very nice about the extra detailing it can give to minimalistic outfits. That's super cool that the zip is on the bottom of the bag, although I'm sure I'd be the type to forget to zip it close, haha. Hope you've been having a lovely weekend!

  15. madeleine says:

    can you please stop being so incredibly hot? :) //dariadaria

  16. says: blog

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