what glows in the dark

Ironic how in the last post i’m yammering away about how summer’s all gone boohoo, and then i go ahead and buy neon nail polish. That aside, LOOK HOW PRETTY, MA.

26 responses to “what glows in the dark”

  1. Leya says:

    wow! it's gorgeous! <3

  2. kokool says:

    Love it, when summer goes away, you have to bring summer yourself!

  3. hey! i'm in 2nd year of Radiography, but technically i'm in my 5th year since i did previous study. your blog's nice, i'm going to follow :)

  4. Melina says:

    thanks victoria, I´m always happy when I find bloggers from vienna :)

    Love these neon polishes :DDD

    have a great weekend!

  5. Iris says:

    I love the colors<3!

  6. Total eye candy! A fun way to bring summer back one more time.

    ♥, Jamie

  7. Chococcuro says:

    ooo very pretty!! I've always wondered about the AA nail polishes~ are they any good? 😀

  8. haven't tried them yet, but i've heard only good stuff about them from people who have :)

  9. Sam says:

    That color is gorgeous! I've always been curious about AA nail polishes as well! Let us know how they are when you've tried them 😀


    Ongoing giveaway!

  10. Erika says:

    I love neon colours too!!! My favourite would be the coral orange one :)

    btw i really really love the photos u take, they're really amazing and there's something about it that drawn me to keep scrolling thru ur older posts 😉 following ur blog!!!

    ps also thx so much for ur lovely comment on my post, really appreciate it! pls do follow too if u havent already, it'll mean the world to me. Thx :)


  11. rachel says:

    he ich habe die gleichen… aber hast du das hinten gelesen… sie verursachen krebs…'
    bist du zufrieden mit der deckkraft??

  12. ja ich habs gesehen… is it really that bad?? i hope not

  13. Kim Barbie says:

    Uii die sind wirklich toll, wo bekommt man die denn her?

  14. LeSimple says:

    I have the middle one, it's most neon nail polish I ever saw :))


  15. LUU H. says:

    i really want to see the result!!

  16. Amber says:

    Pretty pretty! I love bright nails!

  17. Carmen says:

    They're beautiful, I need some!

    Carmen Ri.

  18. Ria :) says:

    those colours look sooo amazinggg, your blog is soo lovely by the ways, i will be visiting it again very soon :)

    New outfit post today, check it out!

  19. Camilla says:

    girl what camera do you use? I just love the effect of all your photos

    xo Camilla

    Into The Fold

    please help me win a place in Bloggers Wardrobe by liking this picture Thanks!

  20. Clara Turbay says:

    i like your blog. I hope you can check out mine.

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