Exciting news – I’m in the Vienna travel guide by NECTAR&PULSE! Their concept is really fresh and modern – they basically focus on individual favorite locations of locals rather than typical big tourist spots. I’ve even discovered some potentially great hang-out spots for myself from the other peeps in the guide. Thanks so much, Carina and Tanja – the world needs more creatives like you two!

Oh, and don’t forget to enter the LOVE dress giveaway.

22 responses to “NECTAR + PULSE”

  1. Coralie says:

    Congrats ! That's great news !


  2. so cool! congratulation dear!
    anyway love the hat u worn on the previous post!


  3. Really cool!! 😀 congrats for being in there.

  4. Nikki says:

    I will check this out for sure! I might be coming to Austria this summer… might means, there's alike a -50% chance or so, but I can better be prepared right? ^^ x

  5. NLR says:

    Wauw, this is cool!
    Congrats 😉 You totally deserve it.


  6. thanks everyone 😀

    @Nikki – come on over! and contact me if you do :)

  7. LUU H. says:

    wooow, you look great on the cover!

  8. Liza says:

    That is so awesome. Congrats!!

  9. woooow
    FANTASTIC! congrats 😀

  10. joninel says:

    congrats :) you are so cool

  11. Marloes. says:

    This is so cool! Congrats! :)

  12. cavaan says:

    How can I not want to be shown around by someone who has just contributed to a travel guide haha. (it will most likely be sometime in the last week of june though for a day or two… does that suit?) And I'd love to a collaborate again, seriously amazing funnn. x

  13. Sofie says:

    Victoria? For a second I thought I'd been reading it wrong all this time haha!
    This is so awesome, congratulations! 😀

  14. rachel says:

    congrats. 😀

  15. This is great!


  16. Raissa says:

    Wow, this is awesome, congratulations! I really liked the design of the travel guide too, it's beautiful!
    Loved your picture in there. Lovely!

  17. Raez says:

    Holy moly! So cool, congrats on the feature. Must be so so exciting!

    xx raez

  18. Cylia says:

    waow really cool girl! you totally deserve it.

  19. thank you for being part of NECTAR & PULSE!

  20. Ah congrats! Their design looks so cute : ) and I love the picture of you and the doll, haha!!
    I'll ask my bf to get a copy of that, too cute 😛

  21. Laura says:

    This is sooo cool! I hope there will be one of Barcelona soon, since I'm travelling to Barca in June.
    Just discovered your blog, lovely. There should be more blogs like yours, and I'm really honest.

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