I just turned eighteen. I’m not sure why, but I just never wanted to turn 18. It seems like such a solid and final number. The end of an era, the closing of an age that contained childhood, adolescence, teenage fusses and everything in between. There was drama, friendship, love and infatuation; tears, overwhelming emotions and overriding obsessions. But nothing serious and nothing daunting. Just a freedom and seemingly endless youth. But 18 marks the end of too many adrenaline-filled years and I think it’s funny that I’m an adult now. I don’t think I’ll ever think of myself as an adult.
I know this is slightly more depressing than your average “OMG I’m 18!!” posts, and I’m sorry for not updating and then posting this crap. It’s just been some tough long days full of studying and I think my brain is holding too much redundant shizzle. Talk to you again when I’m sane, lovelies. kisses.