
Got myself some bangs and a renewed love for film. Now preparing for a redbull overdose to start and finish my philosophy paper. Enjoy ze sunday!

29 responses to “Hairography”

  1. Camilla. says:

    I love the bangs, and the photos
    and I personally love that HIMYM quote, but it is ovverated, ahah x

  2. tracy says:

    it really suits you! :)

  3. Mandy says:

    I love the colors on the first pic ! I wish you a lovely sunday :)

  4. Anna says:

    Your bangs are cute! It's so in right now. Thinking about some bangs myself. But I don't know.

    And you STILL have school? Mine ended a week ago :p

  5. simonesays says:

    I whip my hair back and forthhhh

  6. thanks everyone

    @anna – yeah unfortunately i do :( holiday starts on wednesday though, so only 2 days to go!

    @simone – you got it 😉

  7. Eri says:

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  8. Sands says:

    Ahh I love the new bangs, Victoire! 😉


  9. Vicki says:

    good luck writing your paper my dear!! hope u have a great xmas! :) x

  10. Mani says:

    Cute! I think bangs would suit you

  11. Caylen says:

    Lovely photos. Love your blog :)


  12. Silkybow says:

    The bangs look so good on you!!! <3
    I want bangs but I feel like it might be a waste of my long bangs atm haha T_T

  13. Jessica Mura says:

    Thanks for your comment darling, I love your blog, follow you, hope you'll do the same ^^

  14. WildCherry says:

    It's so fun to cut you hair and then you can combine it totaly different with accessories. I did that two weeks ago and got myself a anime bang :) and it's perfect( for party's);).

  15. Maria says:

    hi, your blog looks cool. ¨
    i follow your blog, do yuo want to follow my blog?

  16. kyki says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! :)
    Ugh, exam stress is definitely the worst. Hopefully that paper wasn't too brutal.
    Those bangs suit you perfectly! Have you heard the Whip My Hair cover by Bruce Springsteen? HILARIOUS! (Youtube it. :) )

    – kyki xx


  17. Raez says:

    loveee! the fuller bang suits you.

    xx raez

  18. Marina says:

    Looking gorgeous!!!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting!
    I'm a new follower!!!! I'm loving your blog:)))

    xx Marina

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